
Showing posts from June, 2023

OIC Gen2 to Gen 3 Upgrade - Key things to be followed

Recently I had worked on OIC Gen2 to Gen 3 Upgrade. B elow is the impact analysis by executing OIC Gen2 to OIC3 upgrade for one of the non-prod instance as pilot work. Below are the few notes from upgrade experience. Upgrade Issues encountered Post OIC3 upgrade, the OIC Gen2 activity stream will not be available, unless the activity stream is redirected to OCI object storage. Instance ID is String (alphanumeric) in OIC3 but data type is Integer in OIC Gen2 - This has huge impact on almost all the integrations as we heavily persisted the instance ID for E2Etracking purpose as part of the orchestration. OIC3 File Sever IP changed. OIC3 SFTP connections needs to be updated. Also if any of the participating application is doing any IP whitelisting, new OIC3 IP has to be added. OIC3 doesn’t support the Basic Authentication for any of the OOTB OIC REST API (Connections, Integrations etc). The same API inv...