
Showing posts from 2015

Basics to know about OSB11g

1.Why Oracle Service Bus 11g ? What are the Key Benefits and Advantages? 1. Service Virtualization :  A core principle of SOA is to ensure that any service consumer can access any service provider - and from any platform. This has been considered as key principle in OSB and it provides robust way of Vitalizing the Service. It's a great value add in SOA Architecture. 2. Loose Coupling :  OSB provides loose coupling by mediating between Service provided and Consumer. Without mediation Service consumer and provider will create dependency to each other. A change in single side provider/consumer will lead to the change dependent consumer/provider respectively. OSB bridges the gap of transport, message format, security technology etc. 3. Location Transparency :  It's a strategy to hide physical location of actual physical location of service endpoints from the Service Consumer. All Service consumers should know only single logical machine & port name for each service...

OSB 12c Xquery function to convert the date of credit card expiry date to yyyy-MM-dd

I had a requirement to convert the credit card expiration date in the form of “201506” to “yyyy-MM-dd”. The challenge here is adding the day value, we have to add the last day of the respective month. For example, if we get 201502, the converted date should be “2015-02-28” Here is the function to convert this date format. Xquery: xquery version "1.0" encoding "utf-8"; (:: OracleAnnotationVersion "1.0" ::) declare namespace functx = ""; declare variable $inputDate as xs:string external; declare function functx:days-in-month   ( $date as xs:anyAtomicType? )  as xs:integer? {    if (month-from-date(xs:date($date)) = 2 and        functx:is-leap-year($date))    then 29    else    (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)     [month-from-date(xs:date($date))] } ; declare function functx:is-leap-year   ( $date as xs:anyAtomicType? )  as xs:bo...

OSB actions in proxy service

In this post we will see about different types of actions to message flows using the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console, such as route, publish, service callout, transport headers, conditional actions, error actions, and message transformation actions. Actions are the elements of pipeline stages, error handler stages, route nodes, and branch nodes that define how messages are to be defined as they flow through a pipeline            Action                           Description                     Dynamic Publish Publish a message to a service identified by an XQuery expression                          Publish...